Kolkata, India, آپارات دیدیش ؟

سپاس! با دوستان خود به اشتراك بگذاريد!

شما اين ويدئو را نپسنديديد! از بازخوردتان سپاسگزاريم


Kolkata also known as Calcutta is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal and the second largest city in India (after Mumbai). If Bangalore is the Seattle of India, then Kolkata is the sub-contintent's London. it is the principal commercial, cultural, and educational centre of East India, while the Port of Kolkata is India's oldest operating port. The city is widely regarded as the "cultural capital" of India. برای دیدن کلیپ های بعدی لطفا کانال دیدیش ؟ در آپارات دنبال کنید


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